
Most items on our site are in-stock and ready to ship. Exceptions include rings and jewelry that require sizing and special order items. Most orders for in-stock items begin the order process as soon as your online purchase is completed. Your in-stock item will be shipped once the item is located, your payment is approved, and the receiving address is verified.

Standard sizes for most rings are size 7 for women and 10 for men. Some materials, sizes and custom designs must be special ordered from the manufacturer. Requesting Item in any other size may add additional processing time & service charges and may require some additional time for fulfillment. All special orders, styles requiring sizing or non-standard stock sizes, non-stock styles and styles that must be special ordered from the manufacturer require payment when the order is placed.

Once processed, your order will be shipped out and arrive at your designated shipping destination according to the delivery method you selected when you place your order. Upon shipping you will receive an email containing your tracking number.

We are able to ship orders globally to any location. We do not ship to a P.O. Box address. A physical street address and a signature upon receipt are required for delivery.

Orders are shipped to your billing address, unless otherwise specified at the time the order is placed. If you will not be home to sign for your order, We can ship your order to your place of work, or another more convenient destination. For security reasons, if you provide an alternate shipping address, you must contact your credit card company to add this address to your account information. Both the billing and shipping address must be verifiable with your credit card company and/or issuing bank.